Acidentally posted gamemaker license key
Acidentally posted gamemaker license key

acidentally posted gamemaker license key

As with the DRM debacle, it makes for an interesting story, but other than that it seems to offer nothing new. It seems like the logo controversy is both (a) not notable enough, and (b) not relevant/recent anymore. I removed the controversy section and copied it here. YarImAPirateMateys ( talk) 02:21, 4 March 2013 (UTC)


  • I've added that section now that sources exist, however this image needs to be uploaded with proper licensing who knows how to do that.
  • acidentally posted gamemaker license key

    The move, meant to discourage piracy, was instead ruining the hard work of people who had paid anywhere from $50 to $500 for a legitimate version of the software." ( talk) 17:26, 30 November 2012 (UTC) "The Game Maker Blog recently reported widespread complaints from Game Maker Studio users who saw the international pirate symbol unexpectedly and irreversibly added to the assets they created for their projects. ( talk) 16:06, 7 November 2012 (UTC) DRM Bug destroys data of legitimate users (I don't really have the inclination to go through and fix them, just thought I'd note it here.) - ( talk) 20:21, 11 June 2012 (UTC) Thank you for the note,I might see to. This article contains numerous grammatical errors - I suspect some sections were not written by native English speakers. Would anybody be able to write about what the comments were protesting against? Thanks. It simply states that "The decision received substantial criticism via the Game Maker Community and YoYo Games Glog with thousands of comments posted in protest." I feel like this article lacks any information on the reason for the logo change.

  • 22 Yoyo Games was purchased by another company.
  • 15 adding a list of games made with game maker.
  • 14 Free and Standard version have been merged.
  • 12 No Game Maker decompiler is "being actively developed and maintained".
  • acidentally posted gamemaker license key

  • 11 TOO many information about GM8 and earlier version.
  • 3 DRM Bug destroys data of legitimate users.

  • Acidentally posted gamemaker license key